

We worship at 10am on sunday mornings at 109 W columbian Ave. Neenah, WI 54956. Worship is also streamed live from our Facebook page. We also gather at 7pm on Wednesday evenings for Midweek Services. The Men in the fellowship meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month and the Women meet on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. We have no dress code and we have classes for kids from toddler up to Middle School. Services are typically about an hour and 20 minutes long and include some singing, a sermon, a chance to take communion and often an opportunity to participate or share. We don't pass an offering plate and we try to leave plenty of time for conversations and meeting people.

The Latest at Fox Valley Church of Christ

Stay up to date with the happenings of Fox Valley Church of Christ by visiting our blog. You'll find information such as announcements, sermon notes and thoughts from our pastor to encourage and challenge your walk with the Lord.

The Places We Worship - The Tabernacle

by: Tony Wheel



Hello friends!  Over the last eight months I have been heavily involved in finding a new meeting place for our congregation.  We are changing our meeting location for Sunday worship from The Cornerstone Chapel in Appleton to The Brigade in Neenah.  We are grateful for the opportunity to use this space and are prayerful that it will serve our needs well.

This change of location has prompted me to study the significance of meeting places in the Bible. I have been pondering qu

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A Vision for Each of Us

by: Anthony Wheel



A Vision for Each of Us by Tony Wheel

On Saturday I went to the optometrist to get my eyes checked.  Something is wrong with my glasses, and I was experiencing headaches and wavy vision.  This made it difficult to do my best at work and often led to being less productive around the house.  The real problem, however, is with my eyes, not my glasses.  I do not have perfect vision and thus need glasses to help me see.   My eyes have changed over time, so my glasses need to be

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It's Just That Simple

by: Damon Brog



You may have noticed the trend we are on as humanity.  Our standards for nearly everything are higher and higher with each passing day.  Where we once saw "amazing" we now see the possiblity for something better.  The iPhone has become the iPhone 12.  The horseless carriage has become the Tesla.  The Librabry has become The Kindle. This is most often a very good thing.  Yet,  in the midst of all of this new and improved, where do we stand on the issue of taking God at his

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Into The Noise

by: Damon Brog



Greetings to all who read this blog post.  I have no earthly idea how many blogs exist in the world.  The myriad of subject matters and sources must be quite something to behold.  There is a lot of "noise" in the world of online messaging.  The days of just a limited number of reputable journalists who had trained at a university and who were tightly fact checked and reported to an editor are increasingly far behind us now.  Early bloggers were trail blazers as were those

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Giving Thanks

by: Ivy Brog



As we approach the 2020 Thanksgiving Holiday, I'm reminded of two things: the historical origin of the holiday itself, and what thankful means to me personally.

Historically speaking, Thanksgiving as a holiday came about when Abraham Lincoln (a personal favorite) in 1863, created a proclamation encouraging all Americans to ask God to “commend to his tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife” and to “heal the

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Welcome To The New Fox Valley Church of Christ Website

by: Ivy Brog



We are so excited to present our newly designed website. As you can see, it has a fresh new look and easy navigation to help you get the information you need quickly and efficiently. Many thanks to the ChurchSpring team for helping us launch such a beautiful new church website. To God be the glory!

Fox Valley Church of Christ's mission is to meet people at the crossroads of life with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to help one another along the journey of spiritual growth.

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